Monday, July 18, 2011


We're down to only 13 more days until our little girl is scheduled to make her debut.

My Braxton Hicks are getting stronger day by day and today I started feeling "real" contractions. No one tells you the real side of pregnancy until you get there.

After a full day of heartburn and nausea yesterday, when we were supposed to be celebrating our one year anniversary, today has been a little better. That is until the contractions kicked in. I could talk through them, but golly I did not want to walk through them.

Wes couldn't quite tell what to do with me. I simply wanted the contractions to help me either dilate or go into labor.

As of last week our little girl was measuring a week ahead and I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Hopefully my OB appointment on Wednesday will bring good news!

1 comment:

  1. HOORAY!! Totally the first follower. Can't wait to continue reading about Charlotte's adventures in and out of your tummy :)

